在使用我们的产品或服务前,请您务必仔细阅读并充分理解本政策, 特别是以粗体标识的条款,可能涉及您的重要权利,您应重点阅读,在确认充分理解并同意后使用相关产品或服务。一旦您开始使用我们提供的产品或服务,即表示您已充分理解并同意我们在本政策中所述内容。
我们深知个人信息对您的重要性,并会尽全力保护您的个人信息安全可靠。我们致力于维持您对我们的信任,恪守以下原则,保护您的个人信息:权责一致原则、目的明确原则、选择同意原则、最少够用原则、确保安全原则、主体参与原则、公开透明原则等。同时,我们承诺将按业界成熟的安全标准,采取相应的安全保护措施来保护您的个人信息。 请在使用前,仔细阅读并了解本政策。
(三) 注册、登录、访问和使用服务
当您注册本平台账户时,我们依据法律规定需要您提供有效的中国大陆手机号码进行实名制核验。手机号属于敏感个人信息,收集此类是为了满足相关法律、法规关于网络实名制的要求。我们还会收集您的昵称、Android ID、Mac地址、IP地址、拟使用的用户名和密码,上述信息系我们提供智能设备基本功能所必要的个人信息,收集这些信息是为了帮助您完成注册,创建本平台帐户,建立您的个人信息档案。若您不提供这类信息,您可能无法正常使用我们的服务。 您提供的上述信息将在您使用本服务期间持续授权我们使用。
(3)当您注册和使用本服务产品时,我们需要根据你在软件安装及使用中授予的具体权限,收集与您的设备相关的信息。包括:设备型号、操作系统版本、设备设置、设备标识符、MAC(媒体访问控制)地址、IMEI(移动设备国际身份码)、广告标识符“IDFA” 与 “IDFV”)、集成电路卡识别码(“ICCD”)、应用列表,方便我们统计使用我们产品的设备数量并进行设备机型数据分析与设备适配性分析。另外设备信息还将作为我们识别真实用户而不是外挂软件、机器的重要依据。
为使您获得更轻松的访问体验,为了保障产品与服务的安全、高效运转,您使用我们的产品时,我们可能会通过小型数据文件识别您的身份,这么做可帮您省去重复输入注册信息的步骤和流程,或者帮助判断您的账号与交易的安全状态,排查崩溃、延迟的相关异常情况。这些数据文件可能是Cookie。Cookie是一种可让网站服务器将数据存储于客户端或从客户端中读取数据的中立技术。Cookie内容通常均经过加密。安全的Cookie技术会为用户在上网时提供更为便捷的服务。Cookie通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除Cookie。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除Cookie。有关详情,请参见AboutCookies.org。但请注意,如果停用Cookie,您可能无法享受最佳的服务体验,某些服务也可能无法正常使用。除Cookie外,我们还会在我们上使用网站信标和像素标签等其他同类技术。我们不会将 Cookie 用于本政策所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器会自动接受Cookie,但您通常可根据自己的需要来修改浏览器的设置以拒绝 Cookie;另外,您也可以清除软件内保存的所有Cookie。但如果您这么做,您可能需要在每一次访问时亲自更改用户设置,而且您之前所记录的相应信息也均会被删除,并且可能会对您所使用服务的安全性有一定影响。
隐私政策链接: https://getui.com/privacy
隐私政策链接: https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=zh_CN&t=weixin_agreement&s=privacy
隐私政策链接: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/
④.SDK名称:腾讯SDK Bugly
功能:Bugly crash上报功能,实人认证
使用范围:记录网络日志信息、应用信息、正在运行的进程信息、应用程序的总体运行、 使用情况与频率、应用崩溃情况、总体安装使用情况、性能数据及应用来源等信息。
隐私政策链接: https://privacy.qq.com
使用范围:自动收集您对我们的产品或服务的详细使用情况,作为日志信息保存。这些使用范围: 关于您的使用时间与使用频率的细节;设备统计信息、关键操作路径、错误日志、崩溃记录、语言和时区;互联网协议(IP)地址、互联网服务供应商(ISP)、引用/退出页面、操作系统、日期/时间戳和点击流数据。
隐私政策链接: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy
注:除上表所示外, 产品接入的其他第三方服务不对用户个人信息进行收集和处理。
6)外部 SD 卡和 / 或手机内部存储读、写权限;
11) MAC
18)写入 GPRS 接入点设置;
请注意,不同操作系统、软件的不同版本之间,操作设置可能存在差异; 此外,为了优化您的使用体验,我们也可能对操作设置进行调整。故如下政策仅供参考,若您对行使相关权利的方式及途径仍有任何疑问的,您可以通过本政策披露的方式与我们联系。
如果您无法通过上述链接访问上述个人信息,您可以随时使用我们的客服电话(0755 - 86965862)联系。我们将在30天内回复您的访问请求。
一般情况下,您可以随时浏览、修改自己提交的信息。但出于安全性和身份识别的考虑,您可能无法自主修改注册时提交的某些初始注册信息(如手机号认证后信息)及验证信息;如您确有必要修改该类信息,您可以使用客服电话(0755 - 86965862)的方式提出更正申请,我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并由专人验证您的用户身份后及时予以回复。
可通过【我的】-【设置管理】-【个人资料】- 【注销账户】自行提交注销申请,申请注销后7天生效。
您可以按照我们公示的制度进行投诉或举报。如果您认为您的个人信息权利可能受到侵害,或者发现侵害个人信息权利的线索,您可以通过【我要反馈】或拨打电话(0755 - 86965862)与我们联系。我们核查后会在30日内反馈您的投诉与举报。
1.信息存储的地点:我们会按照法律法规规定,将在中华人民共和国境内收集和产生的个人信息存储在中华人民共和国境内。 如果您的个人信息存储地点从中国境内转移到境外的,我们将严格依照法律的规定执行。我们不会将上述信息传输至境外,如果部分涉及跨境业务,我们需要向境外机构传输境内收集的相关个人信息的,我们将会遵循国家相关规定,征求您的同意,并按照法律法规和相关监管部门的规定执行,并通过签订协议、现场核查等有效措施,要求境外机构为所获得的您的个人信息保密。
We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information and privacy. To explain how we collects, uses and stores your personal information and what rights you have, we will explain the relevant matters through this policy. The details are as follows:
This Privacy Protection Policy ("this Policy") is only applicable to applications or related services developed and operated by the Company, and also applies to other Internet products developed and operated by the Company and its affiliates. However, the privacy policy is independently set in other products and the collection, use, storage If the protection of user information is made differently from the provisions of this policy, its provisions shall apply. This policy does not apply to applications or services provided to you by other independent third parties, nor does it apply to products or services that have separate legal notices and privacy policies set up on our platform. When you use our platform, we will collect, store, use, and provide, transmit, and transfer (if applicable) your personal information in accordance with this policy. At the same time, we will explain to you through this policy how we provide you with services to access, update, manage, and protect your personal information.
Unless otherwise agreed, the definitions used in this policy have the same meanings as those in the User Registration Service Agreement.
Before using our products or services, please be sure to carefully read and fully understand this policy, especially the terms marked in bold, which may involve your important rights. You should focus on reading and use the relevant products or services after confirming that you fully understand and agree. "Once you start using the products or services we provide, you fully understand and agree to the content stated in this policy."
This policy will help you understand the following:
1. How do we collect and use personal information?
2. How do we use cookies, peer technology, and SDK technology?
3. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information?
4. How do we protect personal information?
5. Your rights.
6. How do we handle the personal information of minors?
7. How do we store personal information?
8. How do we update this policy?
9. Others.
10. Contact Us.
We fully understand the importance of personal information to you and will do our utmost to protect the safety and reliability of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abide by the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistent rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of selective consent, the principle of minimum sufficiency, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of openness and transparency. At the same time, we promise to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information according to mature security standards in the industry. Please read and understand this policy carefully before using our platform.
1. How do we collect and use personal information?
1.1. Explanation of words
1.1.1. "Application or service" refers to a network service platform that provides users with convenient life and Internet of Things through legally owned and operated client applications labeled with names, including but not limited to product sharing, authorization, purchase, and other functional services.
1.1.2. Personal information refers to various types of information recorded in electronic or other ways that can individually or in combination with other information identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person. Personal information in this policy includes your real name, gender, date of birth, ID number, personal biometric information, address, communication contact information, communication records and content, account information, property information, credit information, whereabouts, health and physiological information, educational background, city, personal signature, network identification information, common equipment information, transaction information, etc.
1.1.3. "Personal sensitive information refers to personal information that, once leaked, illegally provided, or misused, may endanger personal and property safety, and is highly likely to cause personal reputation, physical and mental health damage, or discriminatory treatment.". The personal sensitive information in this policy includes ID number, email address, various passwords (passwords, protection answers, digital certificates), personal biometric information, communication records and content, personal health and physiological information, personal property information, bank account number, credit information, whereabouts, accommodation information, transaction information, and personal information of children under the age of 14 (including).
1.1.4. Identity elements refer to the information elements used by our platform to identify you, such as your login name, password, phone number, mobile phone number, and avatar。
1.1.5. Non personal information: Through technical processing of personal information (including anonymization and deidentification), the processed information cannot be individually or in combination with other information to identify your personal identity, and the processed information cannot be restored. The processed information does not belong to your personal information in the legal sense. However, when personal information is used in combination with processed information, these combined information will be treated and protected as your personal information in accordance with this policy.
1.2. Purpose of collecting and using personal information.
We will only collect and use your personal information for the following purposes described in this policy:
1.2.1. Ensure the normal operation of our platform service;
1.2.2. Ensure the safety of services and users on our platform;
1.2.3. Management software, such as software certification, software upgrade, etc;
1.2.4. Comply with laws, regulations, and national standards.
When we want to use personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will seek your consent in advance. When we want to use information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will seek your consent in advance.
1.3. Register, log in, access, and use our platform service.
When you register your account on this platform, we need you to provide a valid mobile phone number in Chinese Mainland for real name verification in accordance with laws and regulations. Mobile phone numbers belong to sensitive personal information, which is collected to meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations on the network real-name system. We will also collect your nickname, Android ID, Mac address, IP address, user name and password to be used. The above information is personal information necessary for us to provide basic functions of smart devices. The purpose of collecting this information is to help you complete registration, create an account on this platform, and establish your personal information profile. If you do not provide such information, you may not be able to use our services properly. The above information provided by you will continue to be authorized for use by us during your use of this service.
1.4. Personal information we directly collect and use.
1.4.1. Ensure the normal operation of our platform.
When you use our platform, in order to ensure the safe operation, quality, and efficiency of the basic functions and services of our platform, you authorize us to collect the following information about your device (i.e., the mobile device information necessary for the normal operation of our platform): hardware model, operating system version number, international mobile device identification code (IMEI), network device hardware address (MAC), IP address, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, NFC Base station, software version number, operation log, network access method, network access type, status, network quality data, operation, usage, service log, device accelerator (such as gravity sensing device), IMSI information, phone status, necessary application/software list information installed or running (including application/software source, overall operation of application/software program), and other information.
In order to prevent malicious programs and ensure operational quality and efficiency, we collect information about installed applications or running processes, the overall operation, usage, and frequency of applications, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data, and application sources.
1.4.2. Register our platform account. When you register our platform account with your mobile phone number, in order to complete registration, you need to provide a complete mobile phone number that can receive text messages or calls. We will confirm whether your identity is valid by sending a text message verification code or voice verification code. After verification and you have read and agreed to this policy and the User Registration Service Agreement, account registration will be completed. After completing the registration of our platform account, you can decide whether you need to change your network identification information such as your avatar and nickname. If you complete the above additional information, it will help us provide you with better service and experience. However, if you do not provide the above information, it will not affect the use of the basic functions of our platform. When you register and use this service product, we need to collect information related to your device based on the specific permissions you have granted during software installation and use. It includes: device model, operating system version, device settings, device identifier, MAC (Media Access Control) address, IMEI (International Identity Code for Mobile Devices), advertising identifiers "IDFA" and "IDFV"), integrated circuit card identification code ("ICCD"), and application list. It is convenient for us to count the number of devices using our products and conduct device model data analysis and device compatibility analysis. In addition, device information will also serve as an important basis for us to identify real users rather than external software or machines. When you use our products or services, we will automatically collect your detailed usage of our products or services and save them as log information. This information includes: Details about your usage time and frequency; Device statistics, critical operation paths, error logs, crash records, language, and time zones; Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), reference/exit pages, operating systems, date/time stamps, and click stream data. This log information can help us better understand and improve our services, and is not used to identify any specific individuals.
1.4.3. Ensure the safety of our platform, service, and user use.
To help us better understand the operation of our platform, prevent malicious programs, ensure operational quality and efficiency, and help us better understand the operation of products, judge account security, perform authentication, detect, and prevent security events, we can record network log information, application information, information about running processes, the overall operation, usage, and frequency of applications Information such as application crashes, overall installation and usage, performance data, and application sources. Changes in the purpose of collecting and using personal information.
We may make adjustments to our platform as our business grows. When a new function or service is related to scenarios such as registration, publishing images, and text, the personal information collected and used is directly related to the original purpose. "In scenarios that are not directly related to the original purpose, we will seek your consent again when collecting and using your personal information.". Personal information collected and used without consent
According to laws, regulations, and relevant national standards, we do not need your authorization to collect and use your personal information under any one or more of the following circumstances. Directly related to national security and national defense security; To respond to sudden public safety, public health, and major public interest events; Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments; Necessary to protect the life, health, and property safety of natural persons in emergency situations; The collected personal information about you is disclosed to the public by yourself; Processing your personal information disclosed by you or collected from legally disclosed information within a reasonable range according to law, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels; "At your request, or necessary to enter into or perform a contract to which you are a party;"; Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of our platform, such as detecting and handling our platform fault; Necessary for the personal information processor to perform legal obligations or duties; It is necessary for academic research institutions to carry out statistical or academic research based on the public interest, and when providing academic research or descriptive results to the public, the personal information contained in the results is deidentified; Other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.
2. How do we use cookies, peer technology, and SDK technology?
2.1. Cookies
In order to make your access experience easier and ensure the safe and efficient operation of products and services, when you use our products, we may identify you through small data files. Doing so can help you avoid the steps and processes of repeatedly entering registration information, or help determine the security status of your account and transactions, and troubleshoot related anomalies such as crashes and delays. These data files may be cookies. Cookies are a neutral technology that allows website servers to store data on or read data from clients. Cookie content is typically encrypted. Secure cookie technology will provide users with more convenient services when surfing the internet. Cookies typically contain identifiers, site names, and numbers and characters. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For more information, see AboutCookies.org. However, please note that if you disable cookies, you may not enjoy the best service experience, and some services may not work properly. In addition to cookies, we will also use website beacons, pixel tags, and other similar technologies on our website. We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. "You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser's settings to reject cookies based on your needs;"; In addition, you can also clear all cookies saved in the software. However, if you do this, you may need to personally change user settings each time you visit our platform, and the corresponding information you previously recorded will also be deleted, which may have a certain impact on the security of the services you use.
2.2. Cookie like technology.
In addition to cookies, we will also use other similar technologies such as website beacons and pixel labels (such as Beacon, Proxy, etc.), but we will not use cookies and similar technologies (such as Beacon, Proxy, etc.) for any purpose other than those stated in this policy. If you do not want your activities to be tracked in this way, you can log out of your account at any time from the settings of our platform.
2.3. SDK technology
In order to ensure the realization of product related functions and the safe and stable operation and function realization of applications, so that you can use and enjoy more services and functions, we may access software development kits (SDKs) or other similar applications provided by third-party service providers to achieve relevant purposes. "We will strictly monitor the security of software tool development kits (SDKs) and application program interfaces (APIs) that we collaborate to obtain information, and agree with authorized partners on strict data protection measures to enable them to process personal information in accordance with this policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures to ensure data security."
The details of accessing third-party software development kits (SDKs) are as follows:
2.3.1. SDK name: igexin SDK
Function: information push
Type of personal information collected: device identifier, location information, MAC address, SD card storage permissions
Scope of use: message push
Purpose: Provide stable and accurate message push services for smart device manufacturers.
Privacy Policy Link: https://getui.com/privacy
2.3.2. SDK name: WeChat SDK
Function: Realize WeChat sharing
Type of personal information collected: device information, operator information, location information, MAC address, network type, system version
Scope of use: sharing function
Purpose of use: Users share functions with our product
Privacy Policy Link: https://weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/readtemplate?lang=zh_CN&t=weixin_agreement&s=privacy
2.3.3. SDK name: Amap SDK
Function: Amap
Type of personal information collection: accessing WI-FI status, obtaining location, device information, operator information, location information, MAC address, network type, system version
Scope of use: Provide geographic location services when registering or using our platform.
Purpose of use: It can help users clearly understand the geographical location of our product.
Privacy Policy Link: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/
2.3.4. SDK name: Tencent SDK Bugly
Function: Bugly crash reporting function, real person authentication
Type of personal information collected: device identifier, MAC address, operator information, audio and video information, SIM serial number.
Scope of use: Records information such as network log information, application information, running process information, overall operation, usage, and frequency of applications, application crashes, overall installation usage, performance data, and application sources.
Purpose: To help better understand the operation of the platform and products.
Privacy Policy Link: https://privacy.qq.com
2.3.5. SDK name: Youmeng SDK (com. umeng)
Function: Statistics
Type of personal information collected: device serial number, geographic location
Scope of use: Automatically collect your detailed usage of our products or services and save them as log information. These usage ranges: details about your usage time and frequency; Device statistics, critical operation paths, error logs, crash records, language, and time zones; Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), reference/exit pages, operating systems, date/time stamps, and click stream data.
Purpose of use: To help better understand and improve our services, in order to analyze the usage of our services and improve the user experience, we may share statistical data on product usage (crashes, flashbacks) with related parties or third parties.
Privacy Policy Link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy
Except as shown in the above table, other third-party services accessed by the product do not collect and process user personal information.
When providing products and services to you by a third party, you may obtain the following permissions:
1) Permission to read device information;
2) Permission to connect to the network;
3) Change the network status;
4) Read the network information status;
5) Read mobile phone text messages;
6) External SD card and/or mobile phone internal storage read and write permissions;
7) Bluetooth;
12) Read system logs;
13) Obtain task information;
14) Read and write system settings;
15) Allow mounting and anti mounting files;
16) System removable storage;
17) Reading mobile phone positioning information;
18) Write GPRS access point settings;
19) Call the camera;
20) Vibration;
21) Screen illuminated broadcast;
22) Start broadcasting;
23) Allow programs to restart other programs;
24) Allow a program to quickly receive the next broadcast after receiving the broadcast;
25) Obtain the application list;
26) End the background process.
3. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information?
3.1. How do we deal with personal information?
We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals other than our product service related providers. We may share some of your personal information with partners to provide better customer service and user experience. "We will only share your personal information for legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific, and clear purposes, and only share personal information necessary for the provision of services, as follows:"
3.1.1. Sharing with your explicit authorization or consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will share your personal information with other parties.
3.1.2. Sharing under legal circumstances: We may share your personal information externally according to laws and regulations, legal procedures, government mandatory orders, judicial decisions, or legal requirements of administrative and judicial authorities.
3.1.3. To achieve sharing of product functions or services: Your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies. We will only share necessary personal information and are bound by the purposes stated in this policy. If an affiliated company wants to change the purpose of processing personal information, it will again seek your authorization and consent.
3.1.4. To achieve the sharing of product safety and analysis statistics: Secure Use: To ensure the security of your and other users' accounts and property, and to protect your and our legitimate rights and interests from illegal infringement, we and related parties or service providers may share necessary equipment, account, and log information. Analysis of product usage: In order to analyze the usage of our services and improve the user experience, we may share statistical data on product usage (crashes, flashbacks) with related parties or third parties, which is difficult to identify your personal identity in combination with other information. Academic research and scientific research: In order to improve scientific research capabilities in relevant fields and promote the level of technological development, we may share deidentified or anonymized data with research institutes, universities, and other institutions on the premise of ensuring data security and legitimate purposes.
3.1.5. Help you participate in marketing activities: When you choose to participate in related marketing activities organized by us, our affiliates, or third parties, you may need to provide your name, mailing address, contact information, and bank account information. "This information is personal and sensitive. Refusal to provide it may affect your participation in related activities, but it will not affect other functions.". "Only with your consent can we share this information with related parties or third parties to ensure that you receive consistent service experience in joint activities, or entrust a third party to timely cash rewards to you."
3.1.6. "To the extent required or permitted by law, it is necessary to provide in order to protect the interests, property, or safety of our platform, associated parties, or partners, you, or other users of our platform, or the public from damage."
3.1.7. "Only by sharing your personal information can we achieve the core functions of our products and/or services or provide the services you need."
3.1.8. Handle disputes or disputes between you and others based on your needs.
3.1.9. Provided in accordance with relevant agreements signed with you (including online signed electronic agreements and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents.
3.1.10. Use based on social and public interests that comply with laws and regulations.
3.2. How do we transfer personal information?
We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual, except for the following:
3.2.1. Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.
3.2.2. "When it comes to mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, or bankruptcy liquidation, if it involves the transfer of personal information, we will inform you of the relevant situation and continue to protect or require new companies and organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than those required by this policy,", "We will continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws, regulations, and security standards not lower than those required by this policy, or require the recipient of personal information to continue to protect your personal information. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek authorization from you again."
3.3. How do we disclose personal information?
We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances, and on the premise of adopting safety protection measures that comply with industry standards:
3.3.1. After obtaining your explicit consent or based on your active choice, we may publicly disclose your personal information;
3.3.2. "In cases where it is necessary to provide your personal information based on legal, regulatory, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements, we may publicly disclose your personal information based on the type of personal information required and the method of disclosure: When we receive the request for disclosure of information in accordance with laws and regulations, legal procedures, litigation, or mandatory requirements of government authorities,", We will require that corresponding legal documents (such as subpoenas or investigation letters) be issued, and security measures that comply with laws and industry standards be taken for the disclosed information. We may publicly disclose your personal information.
3.3.3. Announce penalties for illegal accounts and fraudulent acts.
3.4. Exemption from consent to share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information.
According to laws, regulations, and national standards, we do not need your authorization to share, transfer, or publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:
3.4.1. Related to national security and national defense security;
3.4.2. Those related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests;
3.4.3. Relating to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
3.4.4. It is difficult to obtain your consent for the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' significant legitimate rights and interests such as life and property;
3.4.5. Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;
3.4.6. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels.
Please be aware that, according to legal regulations, sharing and transferring personal information that has undergone deidentification processing, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re identify the subject of personal information, does not constitute external sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing of such data will not require separate notice to you and your consent.
4. How do we protect personal information?
The following personal information protection measures provided in this policy are only applicable to our platform. Once you leave our platform and browse or use other websites, services, and content resources, we have no ability or obligation to protect any personal information submitted by you on software or websites outside our platform, regardless of whether you log in, browse, or use the above software or websites based on links or guidance from our platform.
4.1. To ensure the security of your information, we are committed to using various security technologies and supporting management systems to minimize the risk of your information being disclosed, damaged, misused, accessed, disclosed, and changed without authorization.
We will take all reasonable and feasible security measures to protect the security of your personal information within a reasonable level of security. For example:
4.1.1. Be protected by SSL encryption when exchanging data (such as bank information) between your device and Product Services;
4.1.2. We will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data;
4.1.3. We will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data;
4.1.4. We will hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information;
4.1.5. We will deploy an access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information
4.1.6. We establish specialized management systems, processes, and organizations to ensure the security of information. For example, we strictly restrict the scope of personnel accessing information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations, and conduct audits.
4.1.7. Other reasonable and feasible protective measures in our opinion.
4.2. We enhance the security capabilities of the software installed on your device through continuously improving technical means to prevent the disclosure of your personal information. We will use reasonable and feasible means such as encryption technology and anonymization processing that are not inferior to industry peers to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.
4.3. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that unrelated personal information is not collected. "We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless the retention period needs to be extended or permitted by law.". We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purpose of providing services on our platform. "After the necessary period has expired, we will delete or anonymize your personal information, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.".
4.4. The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and instant messaging and communication methods with other users are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you not send personal information through such methods. Please use a complex password to help us ensure the security of your account. Please be sure to keep your login name and other identity elements of our platform properly. When you use our platform, we will identify you by your login name and other identity elements. Once you disclose the aforementioned information, you may suffer losses and may have adverse legal consequences for you. If you find that the login name and/or other identity elements of our platform may or have been disclosed, please contact us immediately so that we can take timely measures to avoid or reduce related losses.
4.5. From time to time, we will update and disclose relevant contents of security risk, personal information security impact assessment, and other reports.
4.6. The Internet environment is not 100% secure, and we will do our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.
4.7. In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will launch an emergency plan to prevent the expansion of the security incident. We will fulfill relevant reporting and notification obligations in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the event by email, phone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective methods to publish the announcement. We will also actively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.
5. Your rights.
In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, national standards, and industry practices of the People's Republic of China, in order to ensure that you exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information, we provide corresponding operational settings in the product for you to access, modify, and delete personal information. You can refer to the following policies for operation.
Please note that there may be differences in operating settings between different operating systems and different versions of software; In addition, in order to optimize your experience, we may also make adjustments to the operating settings. Therefore, the following policies are for reference only. If you still have any questions about the ways and means to exercise relevant rights, you can contact us through the methods disclosed in this policy.
5.1. Access your personal information.
You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions specified by laws and regulations. If you want to exercise data access rights, you can access them yourself through the following methods: Account Information - If you want to access or edit personal information in your account, you can click "My" at the bottom right of our platform, and click "avatar, personal information, and nickname" to perform corresponding operations.
If you cannot access the above personal information through the above link, you can contact us at any time using our customer service hotline (0755 - 86965862). We will respond to your request for access within 30 days.
5.2. Correct your personal information.
Generally, you can browse and modify the information you submit at any time. However, due to security and identity considerations, you may not be able to independently modify some initial registration information (such as information after mobile phone number authentication) and authentication information submitted during registration; If it is really necessary for you to modify this type of information, you can apply for correction by using the customer service hotline (0755 - 86965862). We will review the issues involved as soon as possible, and assign a dedicated person to verify your user identity and respond in a timely manner.
5.3. Delete your personal information.
In the following situations, you can request us to delete personal information:
5.3.1. If we violate laws and regulations in processing personal information;
5.3.2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;
5.3.3. If our behavior of processing personal information violates our agreement with you;
5.3.4. If you no longer use our platform or service;
5.3.5. If we no longer provide you with our platform or service.
If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us and request them to delete it in a timely manner, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, or unless these entities have obtained your independent authorization.
"When you delete information from our service, we may not immediately delete the corresponding information from the backup system, but we will delete it during backup updates."
5.4. Manage your authorization scope.
Our business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. "For the collection and use of additional collected personal information, you can give or withdraw your authorization at any time."
You can operate by yourself in the following ways:
You can change your authorization scope in functions and services by deleting information, turning off device functions, and other methods.
Please understand that specific business functions and services will require your personal information to be completed. After you withdraw your consent, we cannot continue to provide you with the functions and services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent, and will no longer process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect our previous personal information processing based on your consent.
After you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous processing of personal information based on your authorization.
5.5. Rights of close relatives of the deceased.
In the event of the unfortunate death of a user on our platform, their close relatives can contact us through customer service on our platform to exercise their legal and legitimate rights and interests.
5.6. Get a copy of your personal information.
You have the right to obtain a copy of your personal information. If you need a copy of your personal information, you can contact us through the method provided at the end of this policy. After verifying your identity, we will provide you with a copy of your personal information (including personal basic data and personally identifiable information) in our platform service, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations.
5.7. Automatic Decision Making in Constraint Information Systems.
In some business functions, we may only make decisions based on non manual and automatic decision-making mechanisms such as information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legitimate rights and interests, you have the right to contact us through the information provided at the end of this policy and request an explanation;
5.8. How do we respond to your request.
To ensure security, you may need to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may require you to verify your identity before processing your request.
We will respond to your request within 30 working days. If you are not satisfied, you can also initiate a complaint through customer service on our platform. "In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable request, but for repeated requests that exceed a reasonable limit, we will charge a certain cost as appropriate.". "We may refuse requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (such as the need to develop new systems or fundamentally change existing practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are highly impractical.".
Under the following circumstances, we will not be able to respond to your request in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements:
5.8.1. Related to national security and national defense security;
5.8.2. Those related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests;
5.8.3. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;
5.8.4. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that you have subjective malice or abuse your rights;
5.8.5. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals and organizations;
5.8.6. Those involving trade secrets.
5.9. Sign out of your account.
You can apply to cancel your account through the following methods:
You can submit a cancellation application by yourself through [My] - [Settings Management] - [Personal Data] - [Account Cancellation]. The cancellation application takes effect within 7 days.
5.10. Complaint Reporting.
You can make a complaint or report in accordance with our published system. If you believe that your personal information rights may have been infringed, or if you find clues of infringement of your personal information rights, you can contact us at [I want feedback] or by calling (0755 - 86965862). We will provide feedback on your complaint and report within 30 days after verification.
5.11. Access Privacy Policy.
"You can view the entire content of this policy on the registration, login page, or after logging in, click Settings - Privacy Policy."
5.12. Stop operation and inform you of rights.
In the event that our products or services cease to operate, we will promptly stop collecting your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operation by delivering the notice one by one or by sending a push notice or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal information held by you within a reasonable period of time. (The term "anonymization" in this policy refers to the process of making the subject of personal information unrecognizable through technical processing of personal information, and the processed information cannot be restored. The information obtained after anonymization of personal information is not personal information.)
6. How do we handle the personal information of minors?
We attach great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 18, you will not be able to use our services. We will not promote our services to minors or intentionally collect personal information about their minor children without parental consent.
7. How do we store personal information?
7.1. Location of information storage: We will store personal information collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance with laws and regulations. If your personal information storage location is transferred from China to overseas, we will strictly comply with the provisions of the law. "We will not transmit the above information overseas. If some of the information involves cross-border business and we need to transmit relevant personal information collected domestically to overseas institutions, we will comply with relevant national regulations, seek your consent, and implement in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of relevant regulatory authorities. Through effective measures such as signing agreements and on-site verification, we will require overseas institutions to keep your personal information obtained confidential."
7.2. Information storage period: Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the time necessary to achieve our goals and within the retention period specified by laws and administrative regulations.
8. How do we update this policy?
In order to provide you with better services, we will revise this policy from time to time, and such amendments form a part of this policy and have the same effect as this policy. If such amendments would result in a material derogation of your rights under this policy, we will display the changed policy to you in the form of push notifications and pop-up windows when you log in and update the version. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.
If you do not agree to the revised privacy policy, you have the right and should immediately stop using our services. "If you continue to use the service, you will be deemed to have accepted the modifications we have made to the relevant terms of this policy."
9. Others.
9.1. The headings in this policy are for convenience and reading only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provisions of this policy.
9.2. Our platform described in this policy may vary depending on factors such as the phone model, system version, and software application version you are using. The final platform and services are based on the products you use.
9.3. The copyright of this policy is ours, and we have the right to interpret and modify it.
Updated: October 2022
Effective Date: January 2021